Lymph Taping Using Kinesiotape, lymph taping works on the lymphatic system to remove lymphatic fluid. By lifting the skin and drawing fluid along its length, it can extend a MLD treatment by up to a week, reduce swelling and bruising, and can be used when compression is problematic. Scar Therapy
Using a variety of tools, including Low Level Laser Therapy, Scar taping, silicon gels and manual release techniques, scar management can improve the feel, mobility and appearance of scars. Neuromuscular TherapyCombines a range of techniques, including trigger point therapy, with an understanding of anatomy and how the body works as a whole. It is effective at targeting areas of the body that may be contributing to overall or specific dysfunction.
Relaxation Massage
Achieve a deep state of relaxation to alleviate stress, calm the nervous system and promote a healthy sense of wellbeing.
Remedial or Therapeutic MassageTargets specific areas of concern, such as headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain or general muscle aches and pains. Draws on knowledge of neuromuscular therapy, deep tissue massage and sports therapy.