Oncology Massage NZ is proud to be a recognised education provider, accredited with S4OM, Society for Oncology Massage. OMNZ is running a 25 hour foundational course, which will give you the knowledge and confidence to provide oncology massage to people with cancer.
Course dates 2025:
Zoom sessions will run weekly for 5 weeks on Mondays 4-7pm.
Course 1: Starts 03 March 2025, then a 2 day practical workshop on Saturday/Sunday 05/06 April 2025
Course 2: Starts 13th October 2025, then a 2 day practical workshop on Saturday/Sunday 15/16 November 2025
Practical session location depends on numbers of students.
This course will give you a good foundation in the specialist modality of oncology massage.
The course covers:
what cancer is
symptoms and diagnosis
different treatment types, including side effects
scope of practice
benefits of massage for serious illness
making necessary adaptations to your massage technique for someone with cancer, including palliative patients,
caring for the carer.
looking after the therapist
It will also allow you to apply to S4OM, an international group, as a Preferred Practitioner.
The theory component of the course is run as a 5 week block via Zoom. Once theory has been completed, we will meet for 2 day practical workshop.
Students who have completed the shorter course prior to 2022 are invited to complete the full course at a discounted price to extend their Certificate of Attendance to a S4OM Certificate of Achievement.
Please complete the registration details below, and choose from the payment options on the right.
Oncology Massage Foundational Course - For Previous Students
Choose this option if you have already completed shorter weekend or theory course via Zoom in prior to 2022 and would like to extend your certificate of attendance to a certificate of achievement for a discounted price.
Payment can be made directly to
Amanda Bell T/A Napier City Massage Therapy 38-9007-0491464-00